

Búðargil at the east part of Bíldudalur municipality is known for its snow avalanches, slushflows, debris flows and water floods. These processes have threatened the settlement over a long time. In 2010 new deflecting dams and excavation in the alluvial fan were completed. The aim of these measures is to guide avalanches, slushflows and debris masses through an opening in the settled area to the sea. 53 buildings benefit from these measures.

Technical data

Total length: 300 m at south side of Búðargil gully, 50 m at north side of the gully.

Max height of dam: ?

Excavation length: 300 m

Volume material: 91.000 m³

Facing material: 1.700 m²

Preliminary design: Verkis Engineers, AVL Austria and Landark landscaping architects

Detail design & bid documents: Verkfræðistofa Norðurlands (now part of Efla)

Contractor: KNH ehf